I love my audience -- the people who attend my concerts are the best in the world. But unfortunately, with COVID on the rise again, I am very susceptible to respiratory problems so I can’t risk physical contact with any members of the audience. So while I would usually accept gifts I’m going to refrain from that for the time being. It pains me to write this especially with people giving me art and toys. You’re welcome to leave it on stage. I appreciate so deeply the art and toys that people bring. Much love to you all.















Another miracle in my life was to meet Barry Michels. If anything I’ve ever done has meant anything the strongest thing I can urge is to really look into this great man and to learn from him. He’s facing a very daunting progression and yet still brings more good to the world than anyone I know.






















Hope this can be helpful. Barry has incredible wisdom.
























Pictures from traveling to the Lake Tahoe show






















So excited to announce working with Dr. Joe Dispenza on music. He's such a great force in this world helping so many. It's a real honor for me.

























Gifts From Meowolf Santa Fe























Trip to Lawrence








































The East Berlin Wall





















Wanting to express something.  In growing up I had a difficult time in school.  I was never good at changing my mind into another subject.  For instance going from history to math to english.  I did poorly in school and to a degree teased and in my case lacking confidence and having poor self esteem that environment was difficult for me.  I would never trade it and I’m not complaining but I feel like I just want to express this if anyone relates to this.  It wasn’t until really that I was out of school that I started to feel, and this is for me, that I started to gain momentum and feeling good about learning things.  So this is just mainly for people that have a difficult time with having to change their mindset every hour.  As I look back on it I feel in my case the strength I had was I got really into music and that's all I really wanted to do and that's where my mind was at.  Through school I day dreamed of music quite a bit.  In saying all this the thing that makes me sad is that I see that as a strength now and I hope that if anyone is out there that struggles with that and feeling that they are not smart or feeling ashamed that it's something you can see the value that has a mind that sits on one thing for long periods of time and not seeing that as a negative thing but a positive thing.  I do know many people have thrived in the environment of having to change their mind subject to subject quickly and obviously that’s a great thing to have.  I just feel for the people that feel ashamed that they can’t do that but hoping that they can see the value of being able to stay focused on one thing and being consumed with it also as being a very important thing and something that can be greatly beneficial even though it might not be valued in a school environment where each subject is changing hour by hour.



















































































Disembodied Maps


















I love Bootsy Collins with all my heart. I don’t know how many people have a childhood hero who they eventually get to meet and befriends them. And at the same time so many of the things that I was ashamed of about myself he saw as some of the greatest parts of myself. It encouraged me to bring those out. That kind of healing was and is one of the miracles of my life. I wish everyone could experience this. I know if people could it would be a much more harmonious world where people would look out for one another. Please honor Bootsy. He’s here with us right now. My experiences with him have been the closest to heaven feelings I’ve been lucky enough to experience.















Pike 663 Preview 1

Pike 663 Preview 2

Pike 663 Preview 3

Pike 663 Preview 4

Pike 663 Preview 5

Pike 664 Preview 1

Pike 664 Preview 2

Pike 664 Preview 3

Pike 664 Preview 4

Pike 664 Preview 5

Pike 664 Preview 6

Pike 664 Preview 7




















Spires of the Oceans

Excerpt from “Thought Pond"


















Cob's new website
















Brewer and Cob are gonna be there too










So excited to have an opportunity to play again in the cave. One of the most magical experiences ever got to play. And for two nights which is so lucky to have that chance. So much looking forward to this.






















































The last bunch of shows were very heartwarming. Again I’m just so grateful to the people who are attending. It’s always really a blessing to see a parent and their child. Those moments are deeply emotional for me. During the toys I saw a father and a daughter share a moment that seemed very joyous. It’s difficult to put into words but those moments of witnessing real love is worth every hour I practiced and everything I said no to and every time I took a chance of not knowing the outcome. Not to make it about me just trying to express that feeling. Another moment I saw a son and mother share in joy and again just being a part of that is worth everything. I’m just so grateful and this is one of the mysteries of music but for me when I’m playing there are many times I feel like everyone is playing. It’s tough to put into words but it’s a feeling that I know is real. It takes all of us to make the notes breathe.














Halloween week was one of the funnest times to play the two shows on the East Coast and have one in the Bay Area. It was such a fun experience. Very grateful for all the people that attended. It lifts my spirits and the feeling of it being Halloween time is so magical. Again thanks for all the gifts and art. It’s very touching. Look forward to many more.



























So sad. So sorry to see you go. Your tree spirit will always be intact.

My Tree Friend

Tree Friend To All















When The Wind Blew Through Your Branches

Art by Scott Hammes















Sparks in the Dark acoustic only
















Sonic Chandelier










































































It was great to see Kings Of Leon live




















Reflections In The Fountain preview

Reflections In The Fountain acoustic version

A Sea Of Silver preview
















Cooked in the athanar by Robbie. Please check out his Emergence conference.


















I feel so blessed to be in this. Dave McKean the greatest living artist.















Upcoming clothing line and disembodied books



















































































Santa Fe, New Mexico

















Hoping to front a band in 2025




















































Out back with Couch Potato


































































































































































































































































































































































































Bootsy said



















































Here is a sneak peek of upcoming album with Azam Ali

"Flowers for the Bees"

It's also about how we are destroying nature and that the survival of bees is now facing a real threat.
Bees account for 1/3 of human food supply because of their cross pollination. Humans would literally not survive without them.
Science shows that if bees disappeared from the earth, humans would only have 4 years to live. 4 years. Can you believe it?

Creating music is a form of cross pollination for the soul's survival in the human body.
By creating meaningful music that offers sustenance to the soul is like creating flowers for the bees to feed & help life to continue on earth.

Azam Ali




















Say Funk Not Fight, coming to your neighborhood soon!

















New area of Bucketheadland opening soon








































"What I wish to make plain is that these are not pictures of the music theme [...] but just what I see when I hear music. Thoughts loosened and set free by the spell of sound [...] Subconcious energy lives in them all."

Pamela Colman Smith















Wooden's Warmups
















Crayon Tron keep your orbs open for upcoming animated series




Crayon Tron notebooks




















Maps to Innerworlds



















Live Show


Pike 318 Excerpt

Flare live

The Interworld And The New Innocence live

Nottingham Lace live

Coma live

Night of The Slunk live

Pike 318

Cyborgs Robots & More #3

Warm Your Ancestors














Supreme Void

Inner And Outer Realms of Audio Alchemy Experiment

















































































Excerpts from the upcoming album The Spirit Materialization of Basil Valentine
























Ghosts of Broken Eggs live

Soothsayer live















Please know how much I appreciate your support . Been tough time for so many and to feel the presence of you all is so out of this world. Just want you all to know how grateful I am to all you and your support.


















From the Sunset Blvd Tower Records















From If 6 Was 9 Video


















From Fuji Rock Festival with Butthouse and Herb The Ginseng Drummer














With Brewer and Pinchface
















Waiting Hare Acoustic Version
Gotta Get Thru This Cover
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath Cover


















Oh what a day
What ...a...lovely...day























































































































Franco Harris






































































































































































Three of the greatest


















Contemplation Corner
With Barry Michels

















Chicken Bin Albums




All Pikes are on sale for $2 each in the Download Store

Chicken Bin Albums available for $3 each

Entire Pikes Digital Discography available for $207

Sale ends April 1st















"Castle Of Dr. Cadaver"





Art by
Scott Hammes


















Showsides Disembodium










10-31 DVD


Standard Editions


Click here for Pikes 351-402

Click here for Pikes 302-350

Click here for Pikes 250-301

Click here for Pikes 200-249

Click here for Pikes 101-200

Click here for Pikes 1-100